Friday, May 30, 2008

Terrorists long for nuclear attack, Russia & China won't be any help to us

I doubt that anyone can continue to deny that terrorists (Islamic extremists in particular) are hell-bent on wreaking as much death and destruction on us here in the west as possible.

However, if there was any doubt in your mind as to the scale of the crisis we face as they lodge their jihad against us, this should put it into perspective for you.

A London paper is reporting today that an Islamic extremist's website is now boasting doctored images portraying the destruction that would be left behind in our nation's capitol if their hateful minions succeeded in waging a nuclear attack.

You can read the story and view the picture here.

And please, do not allow yourself to be lulled into the false sense of security that such an attack is simply not possible. Nukes are no different than drugs or guns. The law may prohibit them, but people can still get their hands on them relatively easily.

Of course we must also keep in mind that, thanks in large part to the growing nuclear program in Iran, the entire Middle East region is headed for a nuclear arms race. Read that story here.

And we can certainly not forget "our friends" Russia and China. Russia is a staunch supporter of Iran's nuclear program, so much so, that they are the ones shipping the nuclear fuel to Iran. Read that story here. China has firmly backed that deal and continues to work with Russia in an effort to keep Iran free and clear of UN Security Council oversight. You can read about the most recent attempt here.

Both Russia and China are entrenched in a great deal of trade with Iran and you can be assured that their allegiances do not lie with America.

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