Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pardon the interruption

My apologies for my extended absence. Sometimes you just need a break.

I am a curious creature, as most of us are, so I have continued to ask questions, tell the stories of other people and take an insider's look at the political arena.

This country — our government, our political machine — is about to collapse. I can say this with frank certainty.

We are no longer a government by and of the people. We are, and have been for some time now, a government by and of a corrupt political machine, driven by greed, power, and sometimes, plain old stupidity.

It's fall is inevitable. We are a young nation, built upon the backs and dreams of those who longed for freedom. Yet when those freedoms are granted, we wish to be free of the responsibility they bring. We trade that responsibility to the government in exchange for a modest amount of our freedoms.

It is long past time for the American people to wake up and take immediate steps to saving our nation. We cannot continue to expect our government to do it for us. If we truly want a government by and for the people, we must be willing to accept the responsibility it brings.

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