Thursday, July 26, 2007

States rights not just for Dixiecrats anymore

Having finally grown tired of the Federal Government doing nothing to curb the influx of illegal aliens, Hazelton, Pennsylvania took matters into their own hands, passing ordinances that would fine businesses who employee illegal aliens and fine landlords who rent to them. Several other small towns across the country followed Hazelton's example.

However today a US judge ruled the local ordinances "unconstitutional", stating Federal Law prohibited towns and cities to enforce such ordinance.

Read news reports on this here and here.

By Friday morning there will probably be a lot of folks throwing around the term "states rights" which has been historically used by southern states to defend slavery and later, segregation. Damn shame a Federal court will not allow local governments to protect their citizens when the Federal Government will not.

Of course, why would the Federal Government care anything at all about curbing illegal immigration when the they plan on erasing the borders for the Security and Prosperity Plan (North American Union) anyway?

Last time states rights were a major issue this country found itself in a bitter civil war, from which it never entirely recovered. Seems as though we're heading down that road again.

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